Sporting Event Technology Solutions

Sporting Event Case Study

  • VIP Service

    A professional VIP chauffeur service were supplying a driving service to various sponsors and professional athletes. The service was provided to support their day to day event schedules over a 10 day period. This occurred in one of the busiest cities in the world.

  • Requirement

    The company needed a method for the drivers and HQ element to communicate securely, as well as all vehicles to be tracked throughout the event. It was imperative that ops staff were able to track and respond to any incidents at all times, as well as divert drivers to last minute changes to schedules.

  • Solution

    We built and designed a tracking solution, and a self hosted two way communication platform. All drivers were issued with a covert earpiece, a remote push to talk pressel, and a vehicle tracking beacon mounted covertly to their vehicle. This allowed real time, two way communication back to the dispatch HQ location a well as a full tracking capability at their disposal.